A short acknowledgement of the 1,000th post to be published here on the site since I started taking the whole blogging thing seriously. For the curious, the first post was back in 2010 and was a review of How To Train Your Dragon.
Obviously this post should have occurred much earlier in the year (or even in late 2012) but I’ll be the first to tell you that keeping up a completely daily schedule is tough going! Michael Sporn has been at it for many more years than I, and hasn’t missed more than a few days! At an hour a post give or take, you can see how much effort has gone into the site over the years; although that doesn’t include the volumes of stuff that I have to read in order to find stuff to write about!
If it wasn’t for graduate school, my schedule would be a lot more similar to Michael’s, but as it stands, getting a post out every single day is tough when you have papers, group presentations and a pile of reading to get done all while balancing a full-time job on top of everything.
Since the beginning of this year (2013), I’ve taken the site a lot more seriously than in the past, and I’m glad with the positive response that it has produced. Besides the greater audience involvement (and thanks for all the comments; keep them coming), traffic is up and my posts are inciting some debates elsewhere. Additionally, I’m a contributor on both Jerry Beck’s Animation Scoop and over at Moviepilot, a site that helps you keep tabs on upcoming films and TV shows.
The remainder of the year will be more of the same. Upcoming events that I hope to attend include both Bronycon and Otakon (although I’m neither a brony or an otaku; both events are quite literally on my doorstep, taking place in downtown Baltimore) and the CTN-X convention in Burbank, CA in November; something I’m very much looking forward to.
In the meantime, thanks for reading, please continue to engage and don’t be afraid to get in touch via the contact link at the top; I don’t bite 🙂