Fewer week links than normal today; it’s been a busy week.
Elliot Cowan on Film Making
The New York-based animator continues production on his feature film and comments on the process thus:
Making a film is like deciding to adopt an orphan from some war torn, strife ridden corner of the world. At first it seems like a great idea. There’s a lot of energy and excitement of what’s to come. Then after a while it starts waking you up screaming in the night, and freaking out in company.
Shitting all over your regular plans and costing you more than you expected.
Eventually you want to avoid it but you can’t, because if you do it’ll wither away and die and by now you feel some responsibility for it.
And people keep asking “How’s the film? Is it doing well?”.
So you stick with it, through the exhaustion and late nights and drama.
One day it grows up and it heads out on it’s own and you’ve either grown to love it or you never want to see it again.
Hopefully Elliot loves it, as will everyone else 🙂
Warner Brothers sued for unauthorized use of Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat
Ars Technica (amongst others) reports on the lawsuit being brought by the creators of Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat against major Hollywood studio Warner Bros. The issue concerns the use of said cats in a video game published by them and created by 5th Cell.
It’s still at an early stage and some aspects of the complaint are slightly dubious but expect Warners to settle this one fairly quickly. The central issue of copyright infringement should serve as a reminder that the onus is on creators to defend their work.
‘Rise of the Guardians’ Rebounds for DreamWorks Animation
I’m putting this down as yet another reason to not believe most of what you read from mainstream sources. As it turns out. Rise of the Guardians has done better on home media than expected and raising profits at the independent studio.
Tweets of the Week
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/BoxnRoundhead/status/329653507122679808″]
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/LouiedelCarmen/status/329866181542543360″]
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/jasontammemagi/status/330037949733416960″]
Lastly, Disney Princesses as Sailor Senshi

Buzzfeed has the entire collection of this fan-made mashup that’s oddly appropriate. Hat tip to Sarah Marino for the link 🙂