A Note on Marketing Animation to Adults

This is a brief post, but the TV was on in the background with Last Comic Standing on. Long story short, there was a tie-in promotion for the upcoming film Despicable Me (which I posted about just last week). There was a fair amount of self-deprication going on, with the hosts going on about the “inevitable” promotion for the film.

It got me thinking though, here was a promotion (however silly) for an animated film in the middle of a TV show clearly aimed at adults (or at least teenagers). Now granted, was probably only to inform parents that there is a fun kids film coming out in a week or two, in which case it’ll probably do the job.

It’s been long known that putting advertisements aimed at adults (like those for lawyers, etc.) on during kids TV shows is effective. The opposite isn’t true of course, there aren’t many kids that watch Jay Leno, but there is no reason why we don’t see more kids films being advertised during adult’s TV time. I just wish it was a bit more inventive.