June 2016

The Post-YouTube World Will Be Machine-Made

To get it out of the way right off the bat, I think YouTube is ultimately done for, at least in its current form. The massive scale and complexity of the service don’t bode well for it in the long-term. At least Netflix has narrowed its focus to a fairly small number of high-quality productions, and building a reliable distribution service. YouTube is like a blunderbuss; spewing content in every direction in the hope of hitting the mark. It’s worked so far, but it isn’t going to work forever.

The Post-YouTube World Will Be Machine-Made Read More »

Don’t Rely on Disney if You’re Looking For a Gay Princess

People have been clamouring for a Disney princess that embodies LGBT traits for some time, but the latest #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign is misdirected, misguided and will ultimately fail to accomplish the very outcome it desires. Why is this so, and why do fans tend to believe otherwise? The answer is troubling and undermines all efforts aimed at increasing representation in the media.

Don’t Rely on Disney if You’re Looking For a Gay Princess Read More »

Has Passive Storytelling Reached the End of the Road?

Passive storytelling has been around since the dawn of time. It will likely continue to exist until the end of time too, as humans have exhibited the trait across generations and cultures without fail. Storytelling exists today in many forms, and it is in that sense that modern passive storytelling (where the audience merely listens or watches) may be reaching the end of its long dominance of the entertainment business.

Has Passive Storytelling Reached the End of the Road? Read More »